2024 Show Schedule

Typically a full show consists of approximately 12 songs and snowman bumpers and will run about 30 minutes.
They will repeat constantly during the evening.
Length of shows (ie. number of songs) may vary however based on amount of traffic (assuming I'm here to monitor traffic).

NOTE: Weekends are the busiest !!! 6:30pm - 8:00pm is typically the most busy time.
If you want to avoid long lines, avoid this time frame on weekends.
Even on weekdays, this time frame can be busy.
And of course the closer it gets to Christmas the busier it is!

In the future, there may be more than one show with different songs/sequences playing.

So check this webpage for current information if your making a special visit.

Shows start on Friday night following Thanksgiving Day.

I'll try not to shut down the show until after New Years Day.

But no guarantee. The weather will be an important factor in how long they run!

If it's really cold they may be shut down before New Years Day. If it's warmer, the shows may run beyond New Years Day.

Starting show times are as follows:

     Sunday thru Thursday shows start at 5:30pm and run until 9:30pm

     Friday and Saturday shows start at 5:30pm and run until 10:30pm or so.

Planning note:

If heavy rains fall, there is a possibility that one or more props may cease to function, and it's not entirely impossible for the entire show to cease to function due to GFCI's tripping.

Tune your car radio to  100.1  FM

While your watching -  PLEASE  turn OFF your headlights.
It is very ANNOYing to have headlights shining into your car while watching the show.

If there are other cars traversing the road while your watching you may want to leave your parking lights on as a safety precaution.

PLEASE  be considerate of others while here.
Don't pull up so as to block the view of other cars viewing the lights if they are across the street from you.

Viewing Tips

In order to make the viewing experience enjoyable for everyone we ask that:

  • Will YOU Please be respectful and courteous to our neighbors.
    DO NOT turn around in their driveways. Go up the street and make a U turn. DO NOT block their driveways or park on their lawn. DO NOT blow your horns or play your radio too loudly.

    Thank YOU! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!

  • WIll You PLEASE turn off your headlights when watching the display. If you feel it is necessary for safety reasons you may leave your parking lights on if other vehicles are traversing the roadway.

  • While your watching -  PLEASE  turn your headlights  OFF  

  • Due to the  HIGH VOLTAGE ELECTRICITY  that runs our display, and the maze of electrical cords and electrical displays, it's EXTREMELY IMPORTANT  that you and/or your children 

    DO NOT ENTER THE YARD  under any circumstances.

  • Please know that this display utilizes STROBE LIGHTS if that creates a health issue for you.



David Pursel - lakevictorialights.com    Copyright © 2011-2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023    All Rights Reserved.
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This page was last updated on December 13, 2024